
Dear colleagues

2021-06-12 12:51
Dear colleagues,

Banzarov Buryat State University has the pleasure to invite you to The International Chinese Studies Conference “Chinese studies in the 21st century” dedicated to the 2021 Cross-Year of Russian-Chinese Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation, as well as to the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation Between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China.

Dates: October 12, 2021
Venue: Russia, Republic of  Buryatia, Buryat State University
Conference format: online; opening and plenary session – offline.
Conference objective: discussion and analysis of a wide range of theoretical and practical issues in Chinese studies related to the language, literature, history, culture, philosophy, sociology, politics and economics of China. Conference Panels will be formed according to the submitted applications.

Scope of the conference:
—   current issues in linguistic research in Sinology;
—   teaching Chinese language and Chinese studies;
—   Chinese literature: past and present;
—   Russian-Chinese relations: history and prospects;
—   The Tea Road as an economic and cultural bridge between China and Europe;
—   Russia and China: intercultural communication aspects;
—   China in the context of world history.
Following the conference, we will publish conference proceedings included in the system of the Russian Scientific Citation Index (RSCI), DOI, and posted on the website. The proceedings will be assigned an international ISBN index.
Conference languages: Russian, Chinese, English.
•    applications and papers will be accepted until September 15, 2021;
The organizing committee reserves the right to select materials for publication!
All requirements for application and papers can be found on the website 03 June 2021)

E-mail address for applications and paper submission: